Missing one or more teeth?

You are not alone.

Did you know that the typical American adult between the ages of 22 and 64 has three or more decayed or missing teeth? So if you are missing one or more teeth, you are not alone. There are many reasons to correct the problem. For instance, a large space between your teeth can alter your bite and cause bone loss and other additional tooth problems, and even an increased likelihood of losing more teeth. Certainly, the gap caused by missing teeth will affect how you speak, and hinder your ability to enjoy your food. Even if it is not noticeable a missing molar, for example, will alter how you chew.

With today’s advances in dental technology, you don’t have to suffer from missing teeth. Implants, bridges and dentures are all alternatives to solve your tooth trouble. Sweet Tooth Dentistry will help find the best option for you!

stop hiding your smile and schedule an appointment today!


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